I definitely prefer paperback dictionaries. Working with paperback dictionaries allows students to see the connections between word families and word forms. I also like paperback dictionaries because you can play games with them. For example, I like getting my students to write OuLiPo poems. They start by writing a short 4-6 verse poem. Then they take dictionaries, look up each noun written in the poem and replace it with whatever noun comes seven dictionaries after the original. Let me give you an example:
Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean
After replacing the nouns, this poem becomes:
Jack Sprat could eat no Father Christmas, his wildlife could eat no leap year
Obviously, the OuLiPo poems are nonsensical, but they're fun and good practice.
He he he - I love the OuLiPo poems - I'm sure your students have a lot of fun with these. One thing I love doing with dictionaries is playing the game 'Call My Bluff' (based on an old BBC TV show) - do you know it?